12 Effective Ways To Get Red Stains Out Of Carpet

Did you spot a red mark on your carpeting? It might have been an old wine spill that wasn’t cleaned up – or not. What you must do is get the stain out of the area and that is what we will teach you in this article.

You see, irrespective of the type of carpeting; having a red stain on it doesn’t make a pleasant sight. Not to talk of the dangers of deteriorating the fabric and making the carpet age faster.


What Causes Red Stains on a Carpet?

Red wine spills can cause it. There is also a chance that an old and rusty iron has been left for a long on the area.

Other causes of red stains on a carpet include:

  • An item of furniture with a metal component coming into contact with moisture, such as water. The stain appears when the moisture on the furniture oxides.
  • Spilling a bit of nail polish on the carpet.
  • Different species of mold, such as yeast, on the carpeting.



What is the Best Way to Remove Red Stains from Carpeting?

Experts recommend wiping the area with a cleaning solution, using salt – or for the minimalists, just blot the area.

Keep in mind that the methods differ and you tend to be cautious with how you apply the cleaning solution, so you don’t end up damaging the carpet.


1. Use the Simple Approach – Blotting!

If there is one way of getting red stains out of the carpeting in good time; it has to be the simplest method – blotting. This method requires using just a clean cloth and a bowl filled with cold water.

Continue reading to find out how to apply this.

Prep the Carpeting for Cleaning

You must clear the carpet to make it easier to apply the “solution.” You can use a vacuum cleaner or a dustmop to gather the debris and dirt particles on the carpeting.

Reason? You don’t want anything to disrupt the process – or even cause scratches on the carpet.

Remove Excess Material

Sure, the red stains have been there for some – and stuck to it. You may spend a lot of time trying to blot only. Instead, try lifting as much of the excess stains as possible.

Do this by either:

  • Using a butter knife or a;
  • Spoon to scratch the area.


That helps to lift scraps of the stains out of the carpeting. You can vacuum when done.

Blot the Stains

You are now set to blot the stains out of the carpeting. Here are the techniques:

  • Grab a clean cloth and dip it in a bowl of cold water.
  • Wring excess water out of it.
  • Apply the damp microfiber cloth to the stained part of the carpet. Work from the outside to the inside – this helps to prevent an escalation of the stains.
  • Blot throughout the whole time, making sure that the blotting covers the whole stain.
  • Use an absorbent cloth or a clean towel to dab at the stain and soak up as much liquid as possible.
  • Continue until the last blotting brings no extra moisture.


The cleaning process is now over, but you need to make the carpeting dry. We recommend these steps:

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove the scraps of red stains, and loose particles out of the area.
  • Open up the windows for the area to get dried.


2. Can Baking Soda Help? Yes!

Baking soda, one of the go-to homemade cleaning agents, can be used to remove red stains from your carpeting. It is quite abrasive and be used on a standalone basis too.

This section is dedicated to showing the different ways to use baking soda to remove red stains.

Use Only Bicarbonate Soda

A mixture of baking soda and water will get the job done. This technique is best if you are looking for how to get red juice out of the carpet.

Here is the direction for use:

  • Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the stained area.
  • Allow it to sit for several minutes. This timeframe helps the soda to suck up excess moisture from the carpeting.
  • Pour a little amount of cold water over the baking soda.
  • Blot the area with a clean, damp cloth.
  • When the stains have been removed, use a vacuum cleaner to remove the soda residues on the carpeting.
  • Open up the windows to let the floor dry naturally.


Combine Baking Soda with White Vinegar

It makes sense to use two active ingredients to make a cleaning solution for getting red stains out of a carpet. A combination of 1 cup of warm water and 1 cup of white vinegar proves effective for the removal of older stains.

Follow these directions:

  • Combine the white vinegar and baking soda in a spray bottle.
  • Shake thoroughly to mix the content.
  • Spritz the mixture, in small quantities, directly to the stain.
  • Allow the solution to stay in the area for about 15 minutes.


a.    Apply Baking Soda Again!

This time, you will sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda – enough to cover the stain. Allow this too to sit on the area for say, an additional 10 minutes.

b.    It’s Blotting Time!

Remove the particles and residues with a vacuum cleaner and proceed to blot-dry with a clean towel. Paper towels could also suffice.


Use Baking Soda & Hydrogen Peroxide

This combination is recommended for tougher or stubborn stains. Follow the directions below:

  • Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.
  • Combine the two in a large bowl until a consistent paste is formed.
  • Apply directly to the stained part of the carpeting.
  • Let the mixture stay there for several minutes.
  • You can then dip a clean cloth in cold water, wring out excess moisture to make it damp, and use it to wipe the carpeting.
  • Turn on the fan or open the windows to let natural air in.


3. How to Use White Vinegar and Rubbing Alcohol to Get Red Stains Out

This combination helps to tackle juice stains on carpeting. It removes both berry juice and any other kind of red juice.

The measurement to use is 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and 2/3 cup of rubbing alcohol.

Here’s the direction for use:

  • Mix those two ingredients in a bowl.
  • Dip a clean cloth into the mixture, wring out excess moisture, and use it to dab at the red stains on the carpet.
  • Continually repeat this process, until you are sure that the stains have all been lifted.
  • Rinse the area with a cloth made damp by clean water.
  • Complete the process by going over the area with a dry cloth.


4. Use the Salt Method

Using salt can also help remove red stains from your carpet. We recommend using this if you are tackling smaller stains.

Here are the items you need:

  • A cupful of table salt
  • A vacuum cleaner and;
  • Clean dry clothes – you can get up to 3 of these.


Method of Cleaning

Here are the steps to getting red stains out of a carpet, using salt:

  • Blot the area if it is still wet. This helps to absorb as much of the red stains as possible.
  • Sprinkle a generous amount of salt on the stain. If the red stains are severe, you may want to dump a layer of salt on the stain.
  • Leave the salt to remain there for about 10 minutes. It is enough time for the liquid to transfer to the salt.


Is Baking Soda Needed?

You may have to use a little sprinkle of baking soda – if the red stains have not completely absorbed into the salt. Use a bristle-free scrub brush to work your way from the outside to the inner part of the stains.


Vacuum the Leftover Crystals

You can now get rid of the leftover crystals by vacuuming the carpet. This process also takes the red stains with it.

Dry the Floor

Use a damp cloth to wipe the carpet – and open the windows to air-dry the area.


5. Scrape the Red Stains Out of the Carpet

This is the best approach to get rid of the stuck red stains on the carpet. A gentle scraping with a butter knife will help lift the substance.

This is the method to use:

  • Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe up the small bits of the red stains.
  • If you do this correctly, you will find out that the topmost layer of the red stains has been removed.
  • To complete the process, blot again with a clean cloth.
  • Finish up by wiping the area with a dry cloth.


6. Club Soda Dissipates Red Wine Stains

Worried about the red wine that spilled on the carpet? Worry no more, because club soda can fix it. It is the best solution because of its acidic properties.

This method requires clean, dry clothes, and club soda.


  • Blot up as much of the liquid out of the stained area. Continually turn the cloth to different sides so you don’t transfer the lifted red stains back to the carpeting.
  • Take a can of club soda and pour a generous amount of it over the spill.
  • Allow the soda to sit on the stain for some minutes.
  • Watch as the spill dissipates.
  • When done, grab a clean cloth, make it damp, and wipe the area. Blotting helps to remove both the club soda residues – and the red stains along with it.


7. Create a Detergent Solution

This solution works best if you are looking for a homemade approach to removing red stains out of your carpet. The ingredients are also easy to come by:

  • A cup of warm water and;
  • A teaspoon of mild, dishwashing liquid.



Apply the detergent solution by:

  • Mixing the two ingredients inside a bowl.
  • Apply with either a damp cloth or spritz with a spray bottle.
  • Allow the solution to “set” for several minutes, before blotting with a clean cloth.
  • Air-dry by letting the windows open.



8. Use a Commercial Product

When every other method fails, rest assured that you can use a commercial cleaning product to get red stains out of your carpet.

This method is recommended for stubborn stains. Simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions found on the label to get the carpet clean.


9. Use a Steam Cleaner

Steam-cleaning the carpet is also an effective measure of getting red stains out. You need a steam cleaner for these reasons:

  • It cleans the carpet stains deeper into the fabrics.
  • You can rely on this method to get the stains out faster, as the cleaner works deeper to remove the toughest of stains while removing the moisture at the same time.


10. What Gets Red Wine Out of Carpet? White Vinegar Does!

A combination of white vinegar and liquid, detergent soap helps to remove red wine from carpeting. It is effective, because of its acidic properties.


This is the method to use when removing red wine from a carpet with white vinegar and liquid dish soap.

  • Combine a tablespoon of white vinegar with a tablespoon of liquid, dishwashing soap, as well as 2 cups of warm water.
  • Make sure the three are properly mixed.
  • Dip a clean cloth into the bowl containing the mixture. Wring out excess moisture from it and dab at the stained area.
  • Ensure the cleaning extends to all the length and breadth of the stains.
  • Blot the stains with a clean, dry cloth. Continue until the rest of the liquid has been transferred to the cloth or towel.
  • Continue until you are sure the stains have been completely lifted out of the carpeting.


11. Try Ammonia with Soap

You can try ammonia, one of the best cleaning agents for carpeting. Ammonia or an ammonia-based solution is a natural cleaning agent capable of getting rid of red stains, without necessarily damaging the carpet.

You can mix equal parts of ammonia and water or use this measurement:

  • 2 cups of warm water.
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid, dishwashing soap, and;
  • 1 tablespoon of ammonia.



Follow these steps and you will be able to use ammonia and soap to get rid of red stains from the carpeting.

  • Wear rubber or latex gloves before cleaning.
  • Combine the aforementioned ingredients to clean the carpet.
  • Make a clean cloth damp with the solution and wipe the carpeting.
  • Continue blotting until the rest of the stains have been wiped out of the area.
  • Air-dry with a clean, dry cloth.


12. Try Acetone

You can use acetone to get rid of red stains from the carpeting. This is highly effective if the cause of the stains is a (red) nail polish.

These are the steps to removing the stains:

  • Dab at the stains with a cloth made damp with acetone.
  • Allow the solution to stay in the area for some minutes.
  • Blot the stain with a clean cloth.
  • Open the windows to air-dry the area.


Types of Red Stains Commonly Found on a Carpet

Keep in mind that not all types of red stains can be removed with ease. The methods we’ve described above work best for red wine and (red) juice stains. Yet, you may be able to use other types of cleaning methods to tackle other types of red stains on carpets.

These are some of the other types of carpets:

a.   Natural Stains

These refer to the traditional stains that are caused by the likes of red wine and berry juices. You can also get rid of the stains caused by the following:

  • Ketchup
  • Paste sauce; and other forms of tomato-based spills or stains.


These are some of the toughest stains to remove, but you can be sure of tackling them with the help of oxidizing cleaning agents, such as hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol.

These are some of the tips for cleaning natural stains out of your carpeting:

  • Use the cleaning products in equal proportions. One of the oxidizing agents should not be higher or more than the other.
  • You should always apply the cleaning agents with the aid of either a damp cloth or a clean towel made damp by the cleaning product.
  • It is also pertinent to avoid an excess use of high heat when cleaning.


b. Synthetic Red Stains

These refer to the types of red stains not caused by tomato-based spills, red wines, and other forms of stains derived from natural products.

For the synthetic red stains, we are referring to the manmade kind; an example being Kool-Aid.

To tackle these types of red stains, you should do the following:

  • Use a cleaning product or agent that contains this main ingredient – sodium metabisulfite.
  • Follow the instructions on the label to tackle such stains.
  • For faster removal, use either a steam cleaner or a damp towel.



1. How to Get Red Drink Stain Out of Carpet?

You can use either baking soda, white vinegar, or salt to remove red stains from your carpeting.

2. How to Get Red Stains Out of Carpet with Vinegar?

Prepare a mixture of white vinegar and baking soda in a spray bottle, apply directly to the red stains, and allow to sit for some minutes before coating with baking soda and blot-drying.



Different kinds of red stains can be removed from your carpeting, of course, with the right cleaning agents. The methods described in this article will get the job. If you need a professional, then, calling on a professional carpet cleaning company is the route to take.