How To Get Cigarette Smell Out Of Carpet

Smoke leaves an unpleasant odor on cars, carpets, skin, clothes, and hair, after a cigarette puff. The ideal way of removing odor is by quitting smoking. If not, a person can remove the smell by knowing how to get the cigarette smell out of the carpet.


The cigarette smell remains as the residue sticks to skin, clothing fibers, home surfaces, hair, and environment dust. Cigarette residue gives off chemicals from tobacco and it is a health risk. The smoke is not noticeable for tobacco smokers. Removing the smell of cigarettes from the carpet requires undergoing thorough cleaning methods.


How Does Cigarette Smell Spread?

The cigarette smell is tough to eliminate from indoors as it sticks to the furniture and surfaces. However, there are a few ways to remove the cigarette smell from your home carpet and enjoy smelling healthy.


Smoke particles are minute and they easily penetrate all the surfaces. The cigarette smoke sticks to household linen, window screens, carpets, and furniture and creates an unpleasant smell. The smell instantly affects the home atmosphere. The stale smell is a health hazard to the elderly and children.


Burning scented candles or spraying air fresheners mask temporarily the odor. Opening windows provides ventilation, but does not remove the cigarette smell permanently. It requires you to deodorize your home understanding the problem source. Needless to say, the smell affects your home atmosphere instantly.


Steps on how to get cigarette smell out of carpet

Removing the cigarette smell out is possible through a few tested and tried steps.


Step One: Use baking soda or vinegar to eliminate the cigarette smell. Buy vinegar in lots. It is an acid that cuts through tar and resin. The cigarette smoke smell is due to the leftover tars and resins. It is an excellent solution for clean surfaces. People disliking the vinegar smell need to bear with it as the vinegar smell with time will diminish soon.


Step Two: Deodorize air and ventilate your home. Buy odor removal products from the local store. Ensure it has cleaning agents to eliminate the smoke odor. Dampen in vinegar a dish towel and wave for a minute or two around the room. Alternatively, you may leave bowls of baking soda or vinegar around the home to absorb the cigarette smell.  Keep all the windows and doors open and switch the fans. Strategically place the fans in the room where ventilation is inadequate.


Step Three: Carpets need steam cleaning and shampooing to eliminate the cigarette smoke smell. You may rent a steam cleaner for the carpet from the local hardware store and shampoo the carpets. Look for a professional and hire.

Step Four: Sprinkle on carpet surfaces baking soda and allow it to soak for 24 hours. The baking soda absorbs the moisture in the carpet and the smoke smell. Vacuum the carpet and eliminate the baking soda. Several times you may repeat this procedure with baking soda until the smell is out of the carpet.


Step Five: Air purifiers remove the cigarette smoke smell and capture from the air the cigarette smoke particles. These air purifiers feature multistage filtration systems that assist in neutralizing odors and activating charcoal filters. Some air purifiers come equipped with negative ionizer that assists in removing smoke particles spread in the air. Therefore, it makes cleaning easier.


Step Six: Smoke smells are nasty. Look for an enzyme-based carpet cleaning solution as it tackles odors such as smoke. Choosing an enzyme featuring cleaner is essential because it removes smoke odors by breaking the molecules causing the smell. However, ensure your carpet type by performing a test in a corner and following the instructions to enjoy the right results.


Other ways to optimize air quality indoors

Homes with cigarette smells need a thorough cleaning. If not it needs repainting of walls and replacing carpets. The best way of optimizing air quality indoors is by optimizing the air quality indoors:

  • Perform cleaning regularly and keep dirt, dust, and odors away.
  • Keep a well-ventilated home at all times.
  • Invest in a quality air purifier that helps remove bacteria, allergens, and viruses from the air.
  • Use indoor plants that work as air purifiers and brighten the place to remove toxins existing in the air.


You can use activated charcoal, baking soda, ammonia, carpet cleaners, and other cleaning solutions available in the local market. Buy cleaning products having baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, or activated charcoal.

These ingredients help deodorize, absorb, and neutralize smells and odors. Read the ingredients carefully as some contribute to air pollution indoors. You may buy eco-friendly cleaning products or stick to baking soda and vinegar mixtures, as they are effective and cheap. Eliminate worries of how to get cigarette smell out of carpet.


Deodorise linen and furniture.

Dry cleaning is an option to eliminate cigarette smell from household items. You may use deodorizing shampoos and steam-clean upholstery. Use washing detergents to remove and clean the cigarette smell.


Gather all the curtains, duvets, clothing, towels, sofa covers, and pillows, and wash them. If it does not smell like smoke, just wash it. It is because the cigarette smell and particles enter into them. Sprinkle baking soda on the furniture and allow it to settle for a day. It gives time to absorb the cigarette smoke smell and its moisture around. Vacuum up and repeat the same process a few more times, until the smell is removed completely. Without fail, clean all the folds and corners of your furniture.


With laundry and proper detergent, a simple wash cycle is enough to eliminate the cigarette smell on the clothes. Even if you find it unsatisfactory, you may add white vinegar or baking soda to the laundry. Ensure it is free from cigarette smell. Likewise, sprinkle the same many times on the carpet and enjoy breathing quality air indoors.



Following the above-mentioned methods helps resolve how to get the cigarette smell out of the carpet. The necessity to eliminate cigarette smell requires tons of patience. The odors of cigarettes linger around the house and take more time to get out completely. Especially, if your house has stuffed toys, furniture around, books, and more items, the cigarette smell gets absorbed in them. You may keep windows and doors open and place these items near them for several weeks.