How To Get Mildew Smell Out of Carpet

Did you perceive an unpleasant musty or moldy mildew type odor on your wall-to-wall carpeting or area rugs? Whew!!! This can be very disheartening. Mildew is a variety of mold that thrives in damp conditions, and it readily grows on the fibers, backing and padding of carpets and rugs.

This fungal growth leaves behind a bothersome stale, earthy smell that makes your home smell unclean and unpleasant. Luckily, there are a variety of methods available for removing even stubborn mildew smells from carpets and freshening up your indoor environment.

This comprehensive guide covers multiple techniques for eliminating mildew odors from carpets and area rugs of all sizes. Keep reading.


Deep Clean Carpets Thoroughly First

The very first and most critical recommended step is to deep clean the carpeting or rugs thoroughly from top to bottom before employing other odor removal techniques. This deep cleaning helps remove as much of the mildew growth and smelly grime buildup as possible from the outset. And here are some tips on deep carpet cleaning methods:

Vacuum Completely

Start by thoroughly vacuuming the entire surface area of the carpet or rug. Just be sure to use vacuum attachments to reach into corners, crevices, along baseboards and other edges where musty odors often accumulate. For carpets, also flip up the edges to vacuum the carpet backing and underside.

Steam Clean the Carpet

Renting a powerful carpet steam cleaning machine from a local home improvement store and using it to deeply steam clean carpets and area rugs yourself can make a tremendous difference.

The very hot pressurized water effectively loosens and lifts away much of the embedded dirt, mildew and grime, while also naturally sanitizing and deodorizing the fibers. For wall-to-wall carpeting, a portable carpet steam cleaner with a long hose and attachments is most effective.

For smaller area rugs, use a multipurpose hard surface steam cleaner or a specialty carpet steam mop.

Use Carpet Cleaning Solutions

Look for and use carpet cleaning solutions and products specifically formulated to kill and remove mildew, as well as eliminate musty odors and brighten dingy fibers.

Carpet shampoos, pre-sprays, powders, spot removers and odor eliminators using enzymes and microbial action often work very well. Always pre-treat heavily soiled high traffic areas before steam cleaning the entire carpet or rug. Carefully follow all product label instructions.

This initial deep cleaning of the carpets and rugs will remove a significant portion of the mildew contamination, mold spores, allergens and general grimy buildup that contributes to lingering odors.

However, sometimes a musty mildew type smell still remains, even after intensive steam cleaning. If this is the case, then employing additional specialized odor removal techniques can help address any remaining mildew smells.


Baking Soda

One of the simplest, most effective and inexpensive remedies for removing stubborn lingering mildew odors from carpets and rugs after deep cleaning is plain old basic baking soda. Here’s a look at exactly how and why it works so well:

How It Neutralizes Odors

The sodium bicarbonate found in common baking soda is a natural alkaline substance, which neutralizes and counteracts the acidic components that make up many stubborn odors and smells from various sources like mold, mildew, pet accidents, cigarette smoke, and more. Baking soda is also inherently porous in nature, which enables it to readily absorb both liquid and odor molecules, assisting in lifting odors from damp carpets or rugs.

How to Apply

After steam cleaning and ensuring carpets or rugs are fully dried, sprinkle a liberal amount of baking soda powder evenly over any affected areas where mildew odors linger.

For very heavy or stubborn mildew smells, you can use up to 1/2 cup of baking soda per square foot of carpet or rug area.

Let the baking soda sit for at least 12-24 hours to allow adequate time for it to fully absorb and neutralize odors deeply embedded down in the carpet fibers, backing and padding.

Then simply vacuum up and discard the baking soda using your vacuum cleaner with hose attachments.


White Vinegar

Much like baking soda, another very common household staple item that works wonders for destroying mold and mildew growth while also eliminating any lingering musty odors in carpets and rugs is regular distilled white vinegar. Here’s a look at how it works:

Vinegar Disinfects and Deodorizes

The acetic acid found in ordinary distilled white vinegar is a natural solvent, antimicrobial and antibacterial agent that kills mold, mildew and bacteria spores on contact, while also neutralizing and deodorizing unpleasant sour or stale smells. Like baking soda, white vinegar is also inherently porous, which enables it to help lift and remove odors trapped in carpet fibers, backing and padding.

How to Use

After deep cleaning carpets or rugs, mix equal parts plain white distilled vinegar and water in a clean empty spray bottle.

Lightly mist and spray the vinegar solution onto any areas of carpet or rugs where mildew odors linger or remain.

Allow the solution to dwell and penetrate fibers for 5-10 minutes before blotting and absorbing the vinegar solution by firmly pressing clean, dry white towels or rags onto the affected areas to remove any dirt and musty odors.

Finish by allowing carpets and rugs to completely air dry to prevent any remaining moisture from reactivating mildew growth.

Once fully dried, run a vacuum over carpets to remove any remaining powdery residue.

Read: How To Get Musty Smell Out of Carpet In 9 Steps


Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another very common and versatile household item that has natural antiseptic and antimicrobial abilities to destroy mold and odor causing contaminants, making it useful for removing stubborn mildew smells from carpets and rugs.

Here’s a quick look at how it works:

Oxidizing Agent

The extra oxygen molecule inherently present in the chemical makeup of hydrogen peroxide allows it to readily bond with and break down many organic material compounds commonly found in dirt, grime, food waste, mold spores and other sources that lead to mildewy musty carpet odors. This oxidation effect leaves carpets and rugs fresh, cleaner and odor-free.

How to Apply

Combine 1 cup of 3% household hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup white vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a clean empty spray bottle.

Shake vigorously to mix. Then spray the solution liberally over any affected areas of carpet or rugs where mildew odors linger after previous steam cleaning.

Allow 10-15 minutes dwell time for the solution to fully permeate fibers and neutralize odors before blotting and absorbing any excess liquid with clean dry towels.

Finish by thoroughly vacuuming carpets and rugs once completely dry.


Absorbent Materials

In addition to baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, various other common household items also act as natural desiccant substances that absorb moisture and odors from carpets and rugs.

Kitty Litter

Spread a thin, even 1/4 inch layer of unused, unscented clay kitty litter directly onto affected areas of carpeting or rugs. The porous minerals present in clay kitty litter will help soak up and absorb any remaining moisture and trap stubborn odors emanating from mildew growth. Allow to sit for approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour before vacuuming up the kitty litter. The kitty litter absorbs foul odors from deep down in carpet fibers and backing.

Activated Charcoal

Crush or grind activated charcoal tablets into a very fine powder and liberally sprinkle this powder over damp, smelly areas of carpet or rugs. Activated charcoal is highly porous and has a massive surface area that works to bind to and remove certain broad spectrum odor causing organic compounds. Allow the charcoal powder to sit for at least 1-2 hours before thoroughly vacuuming away.

Natural Zeolite

This unique mineral also has natural absorbent properties well suited to removing odors and moisture from carpets. Much like kitty litter and charcoal, sprinkle zeolite powder onto affected carpet or rug areas, allow to sit for 15-30 minutes, then vacuum up thoroughly.


Air Flow and Sunlight

Sometimes all that’s needed to fully eliminate any final subtle lingering mildew odors from carpets, rugs or upholstery after deep cleaning is ample fresh airflow and direct natural sunlight. Here are a couple options:

Maximize Fresh Airflow

On a low-humidity, dry day, open windows and doors wide and use fans strategically to maximize fresh airflow circulating over and through the carpet’s surface fibers to help lift and carry away any remaining evidence of stubborn lingering mildew or musty smells. The fresh oxygenated air circulation dissipates and off-gases any residual odors.

Utilize Direct Sunlight

On a warm, sunny, dry day open windows wide and fully draw back drapes or blinds to allow natural direct sunlight to shine onto the entire surface area of the smelly carpet or rug for 6-8 hours if possible. The UV rays and heat from direct sunlight both work to kill mold and mildew growth and assists with breaking down odor causing agents. Rotate or flip rugs periodically to expose all sides evenly to the sunlight.


Professional Deep Cleaning

For the most severe, chronic or extended cases of deeply embedded mildew contamination calling in professional carpet and upholstery cleaning services may ultimately become the best solution when all DIY efforts have proven ineffective. And this offer some benefit.

Benefits of Expert Service

Established professional carpet, rug and upholstery cleaners have access to professional-grade equipment like industrial HEPA filtered vacuums and high heat wands. They also use heavy-duty commercial sanitizing solutions and have the knowledge and experience to know how to fully treat severe mildew contamination and musty odors quickly and effectively.

Though quite costly, professional steam cleaning combined with sanitizing agents, and ozone treatments if necessary, offer the highest level cleaning possible for severe cases of chronic mildew odors from carpets and rugs when DIY efforts prove inadequate.


How To Prevent Mildew Growth and Associated Odors

To avoid having to deal with eliminating mildew smells from your carpets, rugs and upholstery in the future, be sure to concentrate on prevention and implement a thorough regular maintenance regimen:

Keep Indoor Humidity Low

Monitor and control indoor relative humidity levels, address any dampness issues, and fix leaks quickly. Mildew requires consistent moisture to thrive, so keep humidity below 50 percent.

Maximize Fresh Airflow

Improve overall airflow across carpets and rugs by opening windows periodically and using circulating fans to minimize moisture buildup.

Clean Carpets Regularly

Vacuum high traffic areas frequently, and periodically do a full deep clean of entire carpets or rugs to prevent dirt and odors from accumulating over time.

Treat Spills and Stains Quickly

Immediately clean up food and beverage spills, pet accidents, leaky plumbing, and other liquid stains as soon as they occur. Don’t allow excess moisture to be soaked up by carpet backing or rug padding, as this encourages mildew growth.


Bottom Line

Although it takes some time and repeated effort, mildew odors and smells can be safely and effectively removed from most carpets, rugs and upholstery in your home using the techniques outlined above.

All it takes is to combine these odor removal methods with diligent preventative maintenance. With this, you successfully eliminate stubborn mildew smells for good and keep your carpets, rugs and upholstery fresh.