How to Clean Carpet with Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

Carpets augment the home interiors and assure comfort, in a living room, bedroom, or any other part of the home. The flooring with carpet is an added benefit as it is good for living, working, and playing. Hardwood flooring is not good for standing or sitting, for a long duration due to the flooring material’s hardness. Now the question is how to clean the carpet with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.


Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, is this combination useful to clean the carpet?

Carpet fiber cleaning is the most difficult task. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide make a wonderful combination to clean carpets. The advantage of this combination is that it penetrates the fibers deep and eliminates the grime, dirt, and stains.


Mixing baking soda and hydrogen peroxide are natural as they are non-toxic products. It is ideal to clean your home surface. Combining the two products into a paste is useful or you can use it separately to remove odors, whiten laundry, disinfect surfaces, and lots more.


Carpet cleaning is a vital part of home maintenance that shows your home is clean. Removing dirt and stains easily and quickly is important. Using the combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide helps clean your carpet and it works well.


What is hydrogen peroxide and what is baking soda?

It is a molecule comprising two oxygen atoms and two hydrogen atoms. It features a syrupy consistency but is a clear liquid. Hydrogen peroxide is a well-known disinfectant. It is also a common bleaching agent. It is the reason it removes dirt and stains from the rugs and carpets with ease.


H₂O₂ is the chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide. It decomposes to release water vapor and oxygen gas. Hydrogen peroxide is useful as an antiseptic and bleaching agent and is a strong oxidizer, besides being an abrasive cleaning agent.


Baking soda is a crystalline, white powder, and NaHCO₃ is its chemical formula. It is well known to absorb odors and it works as a gentle cleaning agent. Baking soda has the power to clean and helps in eliminating grime and dirt from surfaces owing to its abrasiveness. It can neutralize basic and acidic molecules. Baking soda in combination with water becomes a mild alkaline solution and is useful to dissolve grime and dirt in small amounts, besides cleaning surfaces.


Why is hydrogen peroxide a great cleaner?

A cleaning agent is Hydrogen peroxide that has made its way into a variety of cleaning applications. It is the reason it is easily found in household cleaning products. It is in use as a sanitizer or as a disinfectant. Now, hydrogen peroxide is used in industrial applications cleaning.

Hydrogen peroxide breaks into oxygen and water as it contacts an organic matter such as blood or dirt. It is a good cleaning agent and using hydrogen peroxide for carpet cleaning is known as oxidation. Hydrogen peroxide is effective in removing mildew and mold, while it helps in killing bacteria and removing stains.

Hydrogen peroxide is safe to use for household cleaning reasons. It is unsafe to ingest or when it comes into eye contact. Therefore while using hydrogen peroxide, read the product label for cleaning instructions and if necessary wear protective eyewear and gloves.


Read: How to Clean Carpet with Hydrogen Peroxide Only


Is baking soda a good and safe cleaning agent?

Baking soda is used for most cleaning purposes and is considered highly safe. However, it is an abrasive substance so one must use it cautiously. It may cause damage when it is used excessively. It is an amazing cleaning agent, while it is crucial not to inhale baking soda. It can cause lung irritation.


Baking soda is available easily in most grocery stores and hardware local stores. It is available in small bags or boxes. Baking soda is also in larger quantities and can be bought online or at some local hardware stores.


Why do baking soda and hydrogen peroxide clean so well?

Mixing baking soda with hydrogen peroxide, results in forming an abrasive substance, ideal for cleaning. The two substances give a chemical reaction and produce oxygen which is a robust cleaning agent. It is the reason it cleans carpets clean and the mixture may also be dangerous that you should not ignore caution. Remember to never open or use this combination near an open flame.


Steps to cleaning carpets with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide require supplies such as:

  • Hydrogen peroxide a bottle, a sponge or scrub brush, and baking soda.

Step 1– Vacuum the carpets and ensure the debris and dirt are out of the carpet.

Step 2– Prepare a solution mixing baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Take a cup of each and mix.

Step 3– Apply the solution on the carpet-affected area and scrub using a brush. Allow the solution to stay on the affected area for 30 minutes and rinse using water.

Step 4– Enjoy your carpet looking fresh and clean.


A small warning about baking soda and hydrogen peroxide mixture:

Always keep this mixture away from the reach of your children. Before using, you must read the label to follow the instructions. Ask a professional, if you have doubts. Never take risks and being safe is essential.


  • Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide cleaning powerhouses. They are amazing cleaning agents together; and can clean in your home just any surface.
  • The carpet fibers are the toughest to clean. This combination works great by penetrating the carpet fibers deep and removing stains, grime, and dirt.
  • Baking soda individually is good for scrubbing tough stains away. While, hydrogen peroxide is great for cleaning hard surfaces such as sinks, countertops, and toilets.



Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide together are a great match as cleaning products. Knowing how to clean carpets with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide is advantageous. You need not spend more on buying different cleaning kinds of stuff or hire an expensive professional. Following the simple cleaning steps is enough to keep your carpets clean and new for many years.