How To Get Milk Smell Out of Carpet

Spilt your milk on the carpet? Well, no need to “cry over spilled milk” when you can swing into action and smile at the embarrassment of being this close to having a “sour-milky smell” in your room.

If this is the situation you are in, rest assured that we have a couple of ideas on how to get out of it. In this article, you will learn the different ways you can get the milk smell out of your carpet.


How to get rid of milk smell in carpet

1. Use Coffee Grounds to Remove the Milk Smell

Well, why cry over a smell when you can replace it with a scent? No doubt, having the milk spilling on the carpet and later turning “sour” and smelling is enough reason to get you upset – and possibly set you back by a few dollars to replace the carpet.

But if so desire to have the smile back and get over the smell quickly, then using coffee grounds to replace the smell can be a better option.

The aroma of coffee grounds is so enticing so here’s how to put it to good use for the smell replacement:

  • Make a direct sprinkling of the fresh, unused coffee grounds on the spot where the milk spilled – and now smelling.
  • You may want to let this sit for many hours because it takes some time to “suck up” the smell.
  • Sweep away the stains and inspect the surface to see if there are some leftovers.
  • For better cleaning, consider using a vacuum cleaner and wipe the area with a clean cloth and water.


2. Take Advantage of Cornstarch’s Absorption Properties

The main goal is not just to remove the smell, but to also remove the curled milk that causes it. The best option is to use an agent that can absorb the milk and in extension, remove the smell.

Here’s how to go about it:

a.   Soften the Stain

The rule of thumb is not to let the stains absorb. If that is the case, you have to soften it. But if you are lucky to get to work before it curls, you can go with the other steps. Otherwise, sprinkle clean water on the surface and use a clean cloth to wipe off as much of the milk as you can.

b.   Apply the Cornstarch

Since cornstarch, in this case, doesn’t work with liquid content, it is best to wipe off the excess water in the area.

Only after that is done can you proceed to spray the cornstarch over the stained area on the carpet.

c.    Remove the Cornstarch

After several hours of application, use a vacuum cleaner to remove the cornstarch from the area. While at it, inspect the surface to be sure no residual milk is left behind.

Read: How To Get Dried Milk Out of Carpet


3. Use Charcoal Crystals to Get Rid of Milk Stench from Carpet

Charcoal crystals, also called odor crystals, are odor-absorbing materials. You can rely on the crystals to not just remove the stench but also absorb moisture from the area.

Here’s how to use them:

  • Pour a sizeable quantity of the activated charcoal crystals over the curled milk/stain.
  • Use a towel or a small mat to cover the area.
  • Do not remove the mat until you no longer perceive the milk stench.
  • Now, you can use a vacuum cleaner to remove the crystals (that now contain the stench).


4. Use Vinegar to Remove Milk Smell from the Carpet

The application of vinegar can be very helpful for getting rid of the stench caused on your carpet by milk spills.

It is a two-way technique and you can choose any that works best.

Method #1: Place the Bowl of Vinegar on the Area

For this process, you must have removed the milk stain first before getting a medium-sized bowl of vinegar.

The next step is to place the bowl near the area or spot where the milk stained the carpet. Leave it there for anywhere between a couple of hours and a day.

The “magic” is that the proximity of the vinegar to the stench helps it to “suck up” the smell – but at the end of the process, you will be left with a slight vinegar smell.


Method: Spray the Vinegar Solution to the Stain

If you don’t want to use method #1, maybe because you have kids around, then this method will be a better replacement.

For this method, you have to make an equal mixture of water. Use a medium-sized bowl for this, after which you will transfer the mixture to a spray bottle.

The next steps include:

  • Spraying the solution over the stained area and allowing it to sit for about 30 minutes.
  • Use a clean cloth to blot out the area. There’s no need to wash it off with water.
  • Note that the vinegar smell will lurk around the surface. No further action will be expected of you at this time because the vinegar smell will disappear after a few days – and with it goes the milk odor.


5. Tackle Milk Smell with Bicarbonate Soda

Baking soda is used for several purposes and when it comes to cleaning and homecare, the uses triple. You can use bicarbonate soda to get rid of the milk smell/scent from the stained area on your carpet.

This is going to be one of the simplest processes. So, here we go:

a.   Soda Application

Start by applying the baking soda to the stained area – and this can be done by pouring it over the area. The rule of thumb is to sprinkle enough of the soda to create a pattern that makes it noticeable on the carpet.

b.   Sit it Out

Do not be in a hurry to get rid of the smell. Rather, “sit it out” – this could be a waiting time between 6 and 12 hours.

However, if you are looking for faster removal with no residues, then leave the baking soda in the area overnight.

For security purposes and not to disrupt the process (because someone could mistakenly step on the soda), it is best to cover it.

c.    Remove the Baking Soda

In the morning, you can now remove the soda from the stained area. Here are some options to explore for this purpose:

  • Use your hands to loosen the baking soda.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the soda from the area.


6. Combine Baking Soda with Dishwashing Soap

Instead of using only baking soda, you need to combine it with dishwashing soap. Now, here is how to make the most out of it.

a.   Get Rid of the Stain

Do not apply the dishwasher-and-baking-soda solution if you haven’t removed the curled milk from the carpet.

So, use a clean cloth with water to firmly blot out the stain.

b.   Prepare the Solution

It is now time to mix the dishwasher and baking soda solution. To do this, you must get the measurement correctly. The ideal measurement is 1 teaspoon of a bleach-free, dishwashing soap with 2 cups of warm water.

c.    Mixture Application

The above mixture should be directly applied to the stained area of the part of the carpet where the odor emanates from. Use a sponge for this purpose.

The next step is applying some baking sodas directly onto the milk stain. For better results, leave the baking soda on the area overnight.

d.   Remove the Baking Soda & Vacuum the Area

Use either a small brush or your hands to loosen and remove the baking soda from the area. Follow this up by using a vacuum to get rid of the residues.


7. Can Borax Powder Help? Yes!

You may also consider using Borax Powder as an agent for removing the milk smell from your carpet.

You’ll apply the over the area where the milk odor is coming from. Consider using either a flat board or a carpet broom to evenly distribute the powder across the stained area.

The effect of Borax Powder for odor removal is noticeable after a couple of hours. Wait for 12 to 15 hours before you start the process of removing it.

Finally, use a vacuum cleaner to vacuum the cleaner and get rid of residues.


8. Consider Using Enzyme-Based Solutions

As a last resort, it may be worthwhile to use commercial products, especially the ones containing enzymes. You can find such products in your local supermarket(s).

Once you’ve got one, here is how to use it for milk odor removal:

a. Spray the Enzyme Cleaning Solution

Evenly or liberally spread the enzyme cleaning solution/product over the stained area on the carpet.

Do not be in a hurry to vacuum, but refer to the product label for directions of use. Usually, it could take anywhere between 2 and 3 days for the solution to soak up the milk odor from the carpet.

b. Clean the Area

Once the enzyme has “acted on” the odor and had it removed, you can blot the area dry and use a vacuum cleaner to clear the area of debris. Vacuuming also helps to straighten the fibers on the carpet.



Milk odor is not pleasant in a room and coming from a carpet, it means the milk spill has been there for a while and curled. The fastest solution to getting rid of it is to soften the spill and wipe it with a clean cloth.

But if that proves difficult, you can use any of the techniques in this article to remove the odor.