How to Clean Up Spilled Wax on Carpet

Intimate ambiance and warmth are the favorite of everyone when there is candlelight providing it. It is a pleasant feel until the wax starts dripping on the carpet. Knowing how to clean up spilled wax on the carpet is a must, especially for people loving to entertain. The wax candles are useful in areas susceptible to blackouts. The removal process of wax is easy. You can take it out using the items you have at home, ice to paper towels.


Keeping the nooks of your house clean is not easy. No matter if you are trying to figure out how to clean grout or the window blinds. All the cleaning chores are challenging. However, paying attention to everything is crucial. However, it requires no Herculean efforts to keep the carpet pristine even with children, pets, and seniors at home.


All you must do is focus on removing stains from the carpet quickly. It ensures low-maintenance tasks. However, there are times when spills seem overwhelming, and ripping the spills out of the carpet becomes inevitable. Exactly figure out the installation cost to the new carpet.


Thinking about buying a new carpet reminds us of the dinner parties’ perils. Candlelight is the choice of many offering the desired ambience. However, when the mood lighting known as wax starts dripping into the carpet as wax, it is the spoiled sport. It requires you to work on how to clean up spilled wax on the carpet.


Getting spilled candle wax away from your carpet appears tough, but you can clear it using your house items. Consider the tricks to get your carpet looking new. Crying over spilled wax on the carpet is of no use. Just concentrate on how to clean the spilled wax and the method to do it effectively.


Methods on how to clean up spilled wax on carpet

The supplies required are an ice pack or a bag of ice, a paper towel, rubbing alcohol or carpet cleaner, an iron, even a hair dryer, a vacuum, a dull or butter knife, and a brown paper bag.


Freeze the wax

Keep ice cubes in a plastic bag and place the ice pack on the wax. Wrap the back in a towel, so that the wax is not wet. The aim is to remove the wax cold so that it does not solidify and comes out of the carpet easily. Avoid wasting time as the longer the time you take, the harder it becomes to clean the spilled wax stains. Keeping the ice bag to freeze for 10 minutes is enough. Ensure the wax does not get wet with your ice pack.


Scrape off the wax

Frozen wax stain requires using a knife to scrape the wax as you need. If you are lucky, you can remove the wax using a knife.  Be careful while using it on the carpet to avoid causing damage. If you work roughly on the carpet, you will end up cutting the carpet threads.


Prepare to iron the stain.

Place a paper bag or a paper towel on the wax stain spilled on the carpet. Grab the iron and keep it at a low temperature. Ensure the iron is moderately hot so that the carpet fibers melt. Never use a steam setting and always keep a low temperature for safety. Rub the iron slowly over the bag or towel.  It will absorb like magic. Reposition the bag or towel on fresh areas and repeat for the wax to get absorbed.


Remember to keep the iron in motion and do not turn the heat level up. On noticing the wax absorbing, place on a clean area the towel to absorb more wax. Follow the steps until the wax is eliminated.  If you do not wish to run an iron over the carpet, allow a hair dryer to heat the wax. Blow on the spilled wax with some hot air and press the paper towel firmly. You can see the wax is absorbed into the cloth towel.


Clean the carpet

Gently clear the wax bits or dye stains from the carpet. You can use rubbing alcohol or a commercial cleaning solution. Blot using a white, clean cloth and ensure the moisture is gone. If required repeat the process until the stains exist.


Clean the stained spilled wax from the carpet using a carpet cleaning solution.  Wet a white cloth towel with rubbing alcohol to remove colored pesky candle wax and dab the stain to remove the color. Do not rub the carpet with the solution as it may hurt the carpet fibers.


Vacuum the carpet

Restore the carpet texture when it becomes dry on vacuuming. If the wax stain spills on the carpet, get the wax out. It is a lot easier than you imagine. Removing wax spills from the fabric is possible by following the same icing of wax method and scraping it off. Run a vacuum once the carpet dries and ensure it returns the carpet’s natural texture. You will be ready for the next dinner party hosting.


If none of the attempts work, removing wax from the carpet requires hiring a professional. If the wax drips are old or the fabric of the carpet is delicate, try the DIY techniques for wax removal. You may follow it with deep at-home cleaning systems. Using a carpet cleaning machine by a professional carpet cleaner also gives the best results. If you have a portable spot cleaner, use it to clean up spilled wax on the carpet or to remove any residue.



Knowing how to clean up spilled wax on a carpet is a useful skill. Making quick fixes helps in giving a deep clean to the carpet and it looks brand new.  Getting spilled candle wax out of the carpet does not need to be stressful at all times.

It need not be expensive or time-consuming. Get the work quickly done using the right products and tricks. Time and again there will be spills of some type on the carpet. The sooner is the better with spot cleaning.  However, the spills mostly go unnoticed, and cleaning the spill becomes compulsory with techniques.