How To Get Red Wine Out of Carpet

The moment the red wine drops on the carpet, you need to blot it away, because it can cause the carpet to stain. However, if you are unable to wipe it off immediately, then there are other ways to resolve the issue and get rid of the stain.


How to get red wine stain out of carpet

1. The Faster, the Better

Why wait for long when you could have wiped off the stain immediately? No doubt, you took notice of when the red wine dropped to the carpet and you don’t need to wait for it to sip into the carpet before you take action.

The key to getting rid of red wine spilling on a carpet is to act faster and blot it away. It is a simple process and here is how to go about it:

a. Grab “Something Absorbent”

Red wine is liquid and getting it off the surface requires an absorbent. This is why you need to use something absorbent – it could be a paper towel or a clean cloth.

b. Start Blotting

Now, don’t press the paper towel or cloth into the carpet. Rather, keep it a little bit above the surface and just dab or “blot.” This ensures you remove some of the stains/liquid from the surface and do not have to “press” those further into the carpet.

To get the best results, do the blotting this way:

  • Use an “up-and-down” motion, which means dabbing the topmost part of the stained/affected area first, and the bottom or down-part second.
  • Once as much liquid has been removed via dabbing/blotting, you can then wring out the liquid from the paper towel or cloth and use it to clean the stain surrounding the carpet’s area.
  • As much as possible, avoid rubbing the cloth or paper towel into the stain, but just aim at blotting it all away.


2. Can Milk Help Get Remove Red Wine Spill on Carpet?

Well, it’s time you gave up some milk for tea and used it to tackle the red stain on your carpet. Yes, milk can help you get the job done – only if you will follow through.

Here is everything you need to know about using milk to get red wine out of the carpet:

a. Start with Blotting

It wouldn’t be possible to remove the stain if you haven’t done the basics of blotting. So, get down and dab away! Remember to use the steps of dabbing in an “up-and-down” motion and do not rub the cloth or paper towel into the stain.

b. Apply the “Milk Solution”

Get a half-cup of liquid milk and pour it directly on the red wine stain on the carpet. Do nothing else for the next 5 to 10 minutes, but allow the milk “sit”.

c. Blot Again

After the interval, blot again and continue at it until the stains are all gone. If there are still some “stubborn stains” on the carpet, you can re-apply the milk and blot again to take them off.

Wondering why milk makes a great “solution” for removing red wine stains from carpets? Here’s why:

  • The fat content in milk enables the absorption of red wine.
  • You can use the milk in the absence of other solutions, such as club soda and carpet cleaners.


3. Create a “Detergent-Based” Cleaning Solution

You can make the most out of red wine spill removal on the carpet if you can use a homemade or DIY approach. Prepare a detergent-based cleaning solution using the dishwasher liquid in your kitchen.

Here’s how to put the solution to good use:

a. Blot First, Apply Solution Second

Do not apply the cleaning solution if you haven’t “prepared the surface.” The preparation means blotting the liquid you can still see on the carpet’s surface.

Once this is done, you then know that the subsequent steps are geared towards removing the red wine that spilled into the carpet.

b. Prepare the Solution

You might not need to spend much money on the solution, because it requires the one you can easily lay your hands on. A simple mixture of dishwasher liquid in your kitchen can go the extra mile.

To prepare the solution, you need the following:

  • A bowl
  • Undiluted white vinegar
  • Two cups of warm water and;
  • The dishwasher liquid.


The preparation process starts with the mixture of two cups of warm water with one tablespoon of dishwasher liquid.

You may want to add one tablespoon of white vinegar at this point or leave it for later.

c. Apply the Solution

You can now apply the solution to the stained area of the carpet. Use a rag or a clean, damp towel for this purpose. On application, allow the solution to “sit” for about five minutes.

Then, start blotting using the up-and-down motion.

Note: if you didn’t apply the white vinegar when preparing the solution, now is the time to use it. Pour out a tablespoon of white vinegar and use a damp towel to apply it to the surface. Blot again, just as you did when you applied the main solution.

d. Dry up the Solution

There are two (2) ways to dry up the solution. Any of the following would work:

  • Keep a different dry towel beside you and use that to alternate the cleaning after blotting away the stains.
  • Or you can wait until the white vinegar has been blotted away before using a thick pad of paper towel to absorb the moisture in the carpet.

Read: How To Get Red Wine Out of Rug


4. Cold Water Can Help

The stain caused by red wine on a carpet can be removed if you just use cold water. This is how to make it work:

a. Apply the Cold Water

Grab a bottle of cold water. You can choose to use it directly or pour it into a cup of glass. Gradually pour the water on the affected/stained area but make sure not to overdo this so you don’t have another issue – mopping up excess water.

b. Blot the Stains

Allow the water to stay on the stain for a little while. During this time, the cold water will “react” with the stain and help loosen it.

Once the red wine stains are diluted or you notice they are breaking into tiny particles, that is a signal that the cold water has worked the “magic.”

Grab a paper towel or a clean, damp cloth and use it to blot away the stains.


5. Use a “Salt Solution”

You can also use salt to get red wine out of the carpet, especially if the stains are dried. But you wouldn’t be using only salt – you need other items.

a. Wet the Stain

The first step is to get the stain wet by applying or sprinkling cold water over the surface.

b. Apply the Salt

Apply a generous amount of salt to the stained area. Do not blot or wipe it away immediately, but rather leave it to stay in the area overnight. This helps the salt to absorb the liquid and the wine pigment/stain.

c. Get Rid of the Stain

In the morning, before taking any other step, have a look at the color or pigmentation of the solution (the water and salt). It is common to find a pinkish, signifying that the solution has been able to absorb a considerable amount of the stain.

To remove the stain, you need to use a vacuum, as the salt could scatter if you are sweeping or mopping.

d. Use a Stain Remover After

There will still be bits of the stains or even some remnants of the solution, especially salt.

What you need to complete the cleaning process is not a mop or broom but a stain remover. Follow the instructions on the stain remover’s label.


6. Use Club Soda to Get Red Wine out of Carpet

If you’ve ever wondered about the possibility of blotting away red wine spills on the carpet with club soda, the answer is yes. This is one of the best ways to remove stains without having to necessarily use chemical-based solutions, especially considering that these could negatively impact the carpet.

With that clear, here is a walkthrough on how to use club soda to remove red wine stains from a carpet:

a. Absorb the Liquid

As always, you will start with blotting or absorbing the liquid out of the carpet.

b. Pour the Club Soda

Grab the club soda and pour it in little quantities over the red wine stains. The soda should cover the stains so it can soak thoroughly into the carpet fibers and cut through the stains.

c. Wait then Blot

Hold on for a minute or two for the club soda to react to the stains. In no time, the stains should dissipate and you will be set for the next stage.

d. Blot the Stains

Grab a piece of paper towel or a clean cloth for blotting the stained area.

e. Repeat the Process

Please note that the first application of club soda might not remove all the stains. So, you need to apply again and again until the stains are all gone.



The four (4) methods explained above will help you get red wine out of the carpet and make the stains go away. Of course, your choice of cleaning solution makes all the difference.

The solutions recommended in this article, especially club soda, are ideal if you are big on getting rid of stains without discoloring the carpet.